Echo's Wallpapers

  1. Determine your computer's display resolution. (If you already know this, skip to Step 2.

    1. Open your Windows Control Panel (Start/Settings/Control Panel) and click on the Display icon.

    2. Click the Settings Tab and look in the lower right for Desktop Area. Echo's Wallpapers are available in 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768. (If you are running an even bigger reasolution, you're undoubtedly knowledgeable enough to know what you need to do.)

    3. Write down the setting and close Control Panel.

  2. Save the appropriate sized wallpaper from the links.

  3. Using a graphics program such as Paint Shop Pro or Graphic Workshop (there are many other good programs as well), open the picture, which is currently in jpeg (.jpg) format. Save the graphic in Bitmap (.bmp) format. The procedure will vary depending on what graphics program you are using. Save the bitmap in your Windows folder.

    Note that desktop-size bitmap files usually take up a lot of hard drive space, anywhere from 1 to 3 megabytes per image. If hard disk space is a concern, save your file to a jpg or gif format and convert it to a bitmap file only when you want to use it as wallpaper.

  4. Go to: Start, Settings, Control Panel, Display, Background, Wallpaper.

  5. Select the picture. If you don't see it here, it's not in the Windows Folder.

  6. Click OK. You are done!


I am indebted to Re-Wallpapering My Desktop
for much of the information on this page.


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